
Python 3.4 Script to Translate GUID Keys to INT Keys

  • Create a Python 3.4 script that will render each of the GUID key values into INT key values so that upload/download sizes will be reduced by one-sixth to one-third, depending upon the file in question.   Done as of 2016-01-17.
  • Modify aforementioned Python 3.4 script to render the same INT key value for a particular GUID key value each time the script is executed.  Doing this will ensure that the INT key values will be consistent month-after-month, year-after-year.  Done as of 2016-01-24.
  • Document aforementioned Python 3.4 script with suitable installation and execution instructions along with a narrative describing its purpose.
  • Push aforementioned script to GitHub with an open-source license suitable for other developers’ needs.
  • Author a WordPress post describing the above Python 3.4 script, its location, and a small narrative as to its intended purpose.

Windows BAT or Python 3.4 Script to Automate Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) of FracFocusRegistry Monthly Download File

  • Author Windows BAT script to ETL the FracFocusRegistry monthly download file.  Done as of 2016-01-24.
  • Modify the aforementioned Windows BAT script to invoke the Python 3.4 script converting GUID keys to INT keys and output the results to CSV and SQLite files, as well as a PostgreSQL backup file.
  • Tweak the script to upload the resulting files to destinations such as FTP sites and open-data Google Fusion tables.
  • Document aforementioned scripts with suitable installation and execution instructions along with narratives describing their purposes.
  • Push aforementioned script to GitHub with an open-source license suitable for other developers’ needs.
  • Author a WordPress post describing the above scripts, their locations, and small narratives as to their intended purposes.